Welcome to Race-WorkSpace!

RWS Community

With interactive pracitcie and coaching webinars, we’ll practice real scenarios to increase your racial equity tools and implementation. You’ll be part of a dynamic network of other racial equity leaders and will be guided in the discussion by experienced racial equity coaches.

RWS Resource Center

We’re curating and adding new racial equity resources monthly!
• Racial equity tips and templates
• Blogs, articles, podcasts, audio, video, curated youtube, curated social media followings, guides, films, books and book reviews to experience.

Guest Speakers

We’ll bring you racial equity experts and innovative topics to inspire you and deepen your racial equity reach.

What’s included?

Can you imagine a vibrant online community built just for you and your racial equity colleagues? This is it! Race-Works now has a virtual “work” space. Race-WorkSpace!!

Your space for racial equity networking, tips-tools-resources, live interactive webinars with coaching, guest speakers and replays, and more!

Sign up for membership today to become part of our interactive Race-Work community.

  • •Racial Equity networking
    •Racial Equity tips and tools
    •Member directory
    •Networking events
    •RW Member of the Month
    •RW merchandise discounts and exclusive promotions
    •RW Merch raffles for live webinar participants

  • •Online resource center (curated blogs, articles, podcasts, audio, video, social media followings, guides, books, and book reviews)
    •Content/templates you can use and apply at your site

  • •Monthly interactive community webinar (and recorded webinar replays)
    •Guest speakers (and video replays)

Upcoming events

  • Guest Speaker

    Sep. 10 (4 - 5PM PST)

    Devrae Hudson guides us in how to talk to kids about race


    Speakers will bring innovative racial equity topics to RWS to learn, experience and elevate our personal and professional racial consciousness and help us interrogate dominant narratives and our personal beliefs.


    Replays + Digital Workbook
    for this topic will be available in the ongoing resource center with curated prompts for continued reflection, worksheets, media suggestions: books, podcasts, film, blogs, social media, etc.

  • Practice Webinar

    Sep. 24 (4 - 5PM PST)

    What Do I Say? How Do I Say It? Using my Body, Heart, Spirit, and Mind to Enhance My Racial Equity Work


    Webinars are interactive. This is the space to come practice with colleagues and racial equity coaches. From “learner” to “try it out”. Increase confidence, and develop skill, will, and capacity. Inter-racial, inter-organizational conversations are important, and intra-racial conversations across all races with colleagues from several organizations can extend participants’ own understanding and practice of racial equity in general, as well as Race-Work tools specifically.

  • Drop-In Coaching Hours

    Sep. 11 (4:15-5:15 PM PST) & Sep. 17 (4 -5 PM PST)

    How are you currently engaging in anti-racism? How is it going?


    Bring racial equity topics from your real-life, real-time work day and experience. Check in with us to talk through your racial equity experiences and prepare for new ones. We want to connect with you as you reflect and then re-engage to increase your confidence and effectiveness.


  • We have individual rates of $50 per month (or $500 annually) available for sign up directly from our website.

    We also have non-profit/education and a business/corporation group rates. Contact us for more info!

  • While we cannot refund the membership price for the digital access already provided to you, individual members can request to cancel their membership for future billing periods.

    District/Business groups are contracted on annual/rolling 12-month periods and can be either stopped or renewed the following period.